2.1% of women that delivered a baby in a DC hospital experienced severe maternal morbidity during their stay
Source: Hospital Discharge Data for 2022 an AIM data center, DC Hospital Association
90% of maternal deaths in DC happen to non-Hispanic Black women.
Source: 2014-2018 DC Death Data as of November 3, 2020, Vital Records Division, Center for Policy Planning and Evaluation, DC Health; includes DC resident deaths that occurred either in DC or in another state or country
64% of maternal mortalities occur to women from Wards 7 & 8.
Source: 2014-2018 DC Death Data as of November 3, 2020, Vital Records Division, Center for Policy Planning and Evaluation, DC Health; includes DC resident deaths that occurred either in DC or in another state or country
11% of women that delivered a baby in a DC hospital had pre-eclampsia and/or eclampsia
Source: Hospital Discharge Data for 2022, DC Hospital Association