- CPHQ pilot training and data training to birthing hospitals
- All five birthing hospitals implemented AIM Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy Bundle with focus on post-partum nurse follow ups; improving race and ethnicity patient self-identification/respectful care; timely treatment; family support; improving social determinants of health intake questionnaire; and, providing better patient and provider outcomes.
- Collaborated with AIM data center to upgrade system to capture more accurate District data
- All five birthing hospitals submit hypertension bundle measures data to inform quality improvement efforts
- Timely treatment – improved from 19% (below national average) to 85% (consistent with national performance)
Community Engagement
- Patient community member engagement through partnership with Healthy Start and FQHCs to highlight more patient voices
- Nine additional patients have been recruited to the PQC
- Supported Black Mamas Wellness Day by providing maternal health educational and marketing materials and networking to build connections
- Website improvement with hospital and patient resources
Partnership & Collaboration
- Collaboration with DC Health/Healthy Start, HAHSTA and DBH
- Participated in a federally supported regional PQC collaborative consisting of regional PQCs, CDC, SAMSHA, HHS, NNPQC, and HRSA resulting in opportunities to share best practices
- PQC partnered with the NAHQ on CPHQ training
- PQC members co-chair the March of Dimes Regional Maternal Infant Health Coalition to streamline barriers across the region
- PQC accepted as an AIM partner. AIM is a national data-driven maternal safety and quality improvement initiative based on interdisciplinary consensus-based practices to improving maternal safety and outcomes